dine in or out
To cut down on the ridiculous amounts of plastic and waste that comes with takeaway meals, bring your own containers! When you call in your order, ask the restaurant if you can bring your containers. Most will be very happy for you to do that, as it actually saves them money. You can reuse old take away containers or use tupperware or whatever else you have at home. Alternatively you can order something that doesn't come in a plastic containers, such as pizza in a cardboard box. Locally we have brought our own containers to a number of restaurants (Sala Thai, Joy, Thai Smile, Forest Spice, Sushi & Roll..) Eat in the Restaurant This option saves you having to deal with the hassle of transporting the food, and doing the dishes! Say NO If you are ordering a cold drink in a restaurant, make sure you tell the staff in advance that you DON'T want a straw. Also say no thank you to things like after dinner mints wrapped in plastic and hand towels wrapped in plastic, which you get in some asian restaurants. Zero waste restaurant We are very lucky to have one of the country's first (almost) waste free restaurants in our neighbourhood, Terroir Tapas Southbourne! Their interior is made from various types of recycled plastic, the restaurant is not producing any general waste, just compost and some limited recycling waste.. and they serve lovely food! Check out their concept here |